Radiometrically calibrated light sources from Ocean Insight are used to calibrate the absolute spectral response of a spectrometer system. Using these light sources and our software, you can determine absolute intensity values across UV, Visible and NIR wavelengths.
An extended-range (to 2400 nm) calibration option is also available, for an additional fee.
Radiometrically calibrated light sources are carefully characterized to deliver a known quantity of light with very low uncertainty. Each source is measured to NIST-traceable standards, creating an unbroken chain of traceability and providing you with the highest quality and most reliable data.
Product Overview
- Stable sources -- provide consistent output for the most reliable data
- Multiple options -- radiometrically calibrated sources for UV-Visible-NIR and Visible-NIR wavelengths; extended-range (to 2400 nm) option available for additional fee
- Digital calibration data -- can be loaded into software for absolute intensity data
- Applications flexibility -- measure LEDs, digital displays and other radiant sources