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Raman Scattering For Semiconductor Analysis

Huyền Diệu - 04/06/2024


The Raman effect occurs when incoming light interacts with a material's vibrational modes. The conservation of momentum dictates that the energy shift experienced by the light (photon) must match a corresponding change in the material's vibrational or rotational energy. A diagrammatic representation of the Raman effect is depicted in Figure 1. Specifically, the process starts with the absorption of a photon, characterized by energy ħωi and wavevector ki, which propels the system from an initial energy state E1 to a virtual energy level. Almost immediately, the system transitions to a lower energy state E2, emitting a photon with energy ħωf = ħωi + (E1 - E2) and wavevector kf.

This phenomenon differs from fluorescence, where the excited states are electronic and have a longer lifespan (  ̴ns). Rayleigh scattering is observed when the initial and final energy states are the same (E1 = E2). Stokes scattering is noted when the system settles into a state of higher energy, whereas anti-Stokes scattering happens when it transitions to a state of lower energy. In both Stokes and anti-Stokes scattering, the emitted photon's energy is altered by a consistent amount, regardless of the incident photon's energy. This consistent energy alteration is termed the Raman shift and is typically measured in inverse centimeters (cm^-1). Raman spectra thus offer precise insights into the variations in a system's vibrational energy levels.

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Figure 1: Diagram of energy levels depicting the transitions that occur during Stokes and anti-Stokes Raman scattering events.

In the ever-evolving world of semiconductors, ensuring material quality and understanding their properties is paramount. Raman spectroscopy emerges as a powerful, non-destructive technique that grants semiconductor manufacturers a window into the soul of their materials. This article delves into the applications of Raman spectroscopy for semiconductor analysis and the specific results it can reveal.


Material Characterization: A Fingerprint of Composition and Structure

Raman spectroscopy excels at material characterization. When light interacts with a semiconductor, a tiny fraction scatters inelastically, providing information about the material's vibrational modes. This unique fingerprint allows us to:

  • Identify Materials: Distinguish between different elements like silicon (Si), gallium nitride (GaN), or dopant atoms like boron (B) present in the semiconductor.

  • Verify Doping: Confirm the presence and type of dopant atoms incorporated into the lattice, ensuring desired electrical properties.

  • Analyze Layered Structures: Identify each layer in complex heterostructures used in advanced transistors or optoelectronic devices.

  • Detect Contaminants: Unmask unwanted materials like metallic impurities or native oxides by their unique spectral signatures, allowing for corrective actions.

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Figure 2: Raman spectrum of GaN. The strongest peak (around 568 cm-1) represents the transverse optical phonon mode related to the stretching vibrations of Ga and N atoms. The peak around 741 cm-1 corresponds to the high-frequency component of the E2 phonon mode, involvin a combination of Ga and N vibrations.



Crystal Structure and Quality: Unveiling the Hidden Architecture

Understanding the crystal structure and quality is crucial for semiconductor performance. Raman spectroscopy sheds light on these aspects by:

  • Crystal Phase Identification: Differentiate between various crystal phases, like cubic or hexagonal silicon, or different polytypes of silicon carbide (SiC), impacting electrical and optical properties.

  • Crystallinity Evaluation: Detect the presence of amorphous regions or grain boundaries within the semiconductor, providing insights into the overall crystal quality.

  • Strain and Stress Analysis: Quantify the level and distribution of strain within the device caused by factors like lattice mismatch or thermal expansion.

Raman spectra translate the information gathered into a visual representation. Here's what you can expect to see:

  • Peaks: Specific peaks in the spectrum correspond to different vibrational modes within the material. By comparing these peaks with reference databases, you can identify the material composition and structure.

  • Peak Shifts: The position and intensity of the peaks can be affected by factors like strain, doping concentration, and crystal quality. Analyzing these shifts provides valuable information about the material's properties.

  • Spectral Fingerprints: For complex materials or dopant combinations, the entire Raman spectrum acts as a unique fingerprint, allowing for comprehensive characterization.

Advanced Applications

The capabilities of Raman spectroscopy extend further:

  • Depth Profiling: By adjusting the laser focus, you can probe different depths within the material, analyzing layered structures or buried interfaces.

  • Microscopic Analysis: Integrating Raman with microscopy allows spatially resolved analysis, pinpointing variations in composition or structure across the sample.

  • Process Monitoring: Raman spectroscopy can be used non-destructively to monitor changes in material properties during different stages of semiconductor fabrication.

The Benefits of Raman Spectroscopy

Raman spectroscopy offers a multitude of advantages for semiconductor manufacturers:

  • Non-destructive: Unlike techniques requiring etching, Raman allows analysis without damaging the material.

  • High Sensitivity: It detects minute changes in material composition or structure, ideal for identifying subtle variations.

  • Fast Analysis: Raman spectra can be acquired relatively quickly, making it suitable for real-time monitoring or high-throughput characterization.

  • Depth Profiling: Analyze layered structures or buried interfaces.

Measurement setup

In a Raman spectroscopy setup, the Ocean Optics USB4000 spectrometer is a common choice due to its proven record in capturing detailed spectral data. It is a compact and user-friendly device that serves well in various research and educational environments.

Figure 3: USB4000 spectrometer.

For those looking to enhance their Raman spectroscopy capabilities, the QEPro spectrometer is an excellent alternative. It is equipped with the latest technological advancements to provide superior performance in spectral analysis. The QEPro's design is specifically tailored to meet the demands of modern Raman spectroscopy, offering a more refined and efficient experience for researchers studying nanowires.

Figure 3: QEPro spectrometer.

Conclusion: A Powerful Tool for Success

Raman spectroscopy empowers semiconductor manufacturers with a powerful tool for material analysis. By leveraging its capabilities, you can gain valuable insights into the composition, structure, and quality of your materials, leading to improved process control, device performance, and yield. As the semiconductor industry continues to push boundaries, Raman spectroscopy stands as a reliable partner in ensuring material excellence.


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