Huyền Diệu - 09/07/2024
Accurately identifying peach varieties is critical to ensuring agricultural quality and meeting market demands. Traditional methods for identifying many peach species such as DNA analysis, gas chromatography, and amino acid composition, are often labor-intensive, time-consuming, and expensive. In order to overcome these limitations, VIS-NIR (visible and near-infrared) spectroscopy was proven to be a powerful tool. The technique measures the reflectance of light in the visible and near-infrared ranges, providing detailed information about the internal composition and properties of a sample in a non-destructive manner. When combined with advanced data analysis methods, VIS-NIR spectroscopy can quickly and accurately classify fruit varieties based on their unique spectral signatures. This application note explores how different peach varieties can be detected using a VIS-NIR spectrometer, highlighting its potential to revolutionize quality control in the agricultural sector.
To predict different types of peach, a model was established by using VIS-NIR spectral variables as an input, and the final output was the prediction results of peach varieties. VIS-NIR (visible and near-infrared) spectroscopy is a powerful analytical technique that measures the light reflectance of a sample in the visible and near-infrared regions. The model trained using spectral data produced highly accurate results.The training dataset consisted of 350 peach samples, the first test dataset consisted of 75 peach samples, and the second dataset consisted of 75 peach samples, with the same number in each species. Training and validation datasets are used to optimize the model. By comparing the test dataset and the train dataset, the model can classify different types of peach. The chart of the training and test process are shown in Fig 1.
Figure 1 The chart of training and test process
The results of five different peach samples are shown in Figure 2, where the red curve represents the spectrum of "Zao Yanhong" peach, the green curve represents the spectrum of "Zaofengwang" peach, the purple curve for the spectrum of "Taqiao" peach, the olive curve is the spectrum of "Baifeng" peach, and the black curve for the spectrum of "Yin Shuanghong" peach.